History of National Lampoon Radio Hour


The National Lampoon Radio Hour hit the airwaves in 1973 and was a direct offshoot of National Lampoon magazine. But it gets better - the evolved into the first season of Saturday Night Live and launched the careers of John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, and Chevy Chase.

When the National Lampoon Radio Hour ran its course, nearly everyone involved - both writers and performers - were scooped up by Lorne Michaels to create SNL history.

(Pt2) CH101 Select: Comedy That Crosses The Line


It’s Part Two of our episode on comedy that crosses the line. You know, the edggggy comedy that goes too far for the times. We dive into Bill Hicks getting censored on the David Letterman show to the revolutionary comedy of Dick Gregory in the early ‘60s - to the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo.

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(Pt1) CH101 Select: Comedy That Crosses The Line


On this episode of CH101, we explore the history of comedy that crosses the line. You know, the edggggy comedy. Sometimes it’s comedy that’s revolutionary and creates change, such as the comedy of George Carlin and Lenny Bruce. And sometimes, its comedy that goes too far - and is there just for shock value. (Michael Richards - we are talking to you.)

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